Kathleen Ferguson, a USC graduate and a stalwart leader in the health, fitness, and wellness industry, epitomizes resilience, innovation, and empathy. With over 14 years of experience, Kathleen has achieved remarkable success in business development and established herself as a beacon of inspiration for individuals battling chronic diseases and obesity. Her journey is marked by personal tragedy, professional triumphs, and an unwavering commitment to empowering others to lead healthier, fulfilling lives.

At the core of Kathleen’s mission is Coach360, a groundbreaking media, education, and membership platform designed to support health, fitness, and wellness coaches. This initiative stems from Kathleen’s own experiences, including the tragic loss of her husband to a chronic illness when she was just 26 years old. This profound loss served as a catalyst for Kathleen to reassess her life’s purpose, leading her to leave a conventional corporate job to pursue her passion for health and fitness. Through Coach360, Kathleen not only honors her husband’s memory but also channels her grief into a transformative force for good, providing coaches with the tools and resources they need to make a meaningful impact on their clients’ lives.

Through Coach360, Kathleen envisions a future where millions of individuals receive the support and guidance they need to embark on their wellness journey. By fostering partnerships with like-minded organizations and prioritizing a holistic approach to health and wellness, Kathleen is paving the way for a brighter, healthier future for generations to come.

The following important points were discussed:

  • Personal Tragedy and Professional Transformation: Kathleen experienced the loss of her husband to a chronic illness at a young age, which reshaped her life’s trajectory. This tragedy served as a catalyst for her to leave a conventional corporate job and pursue her passion for health and fitness.
  • Creation of Coach360: Kathleen’s experience led her to establish Coach360, a media, education, and membership platform aimed at supporting health, fitness, and wellness coaches.
  • Resilience and Vision: Kathleen draws inspiration from her fearless childhood self, reminding herself that she is capable of overcoming challenges and achieving success. Her unwavering resilience fuels her vision for Coach360 and her commitment to transforming the health and wellness industry.
  • Future Goals for Coach360: Kathleen envisions Coach360 as a catalyst for positive change, providing millions of individuals with the support and guidance they need to lead healthier, fulfilling lives. Through partnerships and a holistic approach to wellness, she aims to create a brighter future for generations to come.


3:22-8:40: Kathleen shared how she met her husband and became a widow at the age of 26.

10:19-14:56: Discussion about Coach360, its role in serving the community, and representing women.

16:47-18:13: Kathleen shared a memorable and traumatic experience in a meeting where a male executive sought her opinion, which left her deeply saddened.

19:16-22:31: Inspiration behind Coach360.

25:00-32:40: Vision and mission of Coach360, considering how they can offer clients ideas on habit change and life coaching.

33:45-34:06: Process of developing third-party partnerships.

Connect with Kathleen

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