In this week’s episode of the podcast, we had the chance to listen to Amber Kivett, who helps people suffering from pain to get relief. She has a sanctuary in Indiana called Kivett Connecticut Solution.

Amber has been through a lot in her life. She was sexually molested when she was younger and later got involved in a vehicular accident that made a big difference in her life. At the time of the accident, she was the medical coordinator for a swimming event and was living one of the best moments of her life. However, she was sandwiched between two large vehicles, and that experience became one of the worst moments of her life. She lost her ability to bathe or even do her hair.

Due to the accident, Amber suffered from head injuries and spinal trauma. However, back then, the doctors did not have a good understanding of her condition and simply gave her oxycodone, without realizing how addictive it was. She felt like a guinea pig for seven different doctors who were trying to figure out how to help her.

Amber had migraines to the point that she woke up every day with a headache. She read that acupuncture was great for migraines and found an Asian doctor who did some testing on her. Because of that doctor, she was able to learn to walk again.

Amber explained that there is a tissue called fascia, which she called the command center of the whole body. It is the system that governs all the other systems in the body, but doctors in the Western world do not recognize it because it cannot be seen in tests. There is no diagnostic test that can prove how fascia works in our body. Cupping has the ability to separate and open up all the layers, allowing vitality and blood flow to work through that open channel so that the tissues can actually heal. However, emotional stress, mental stress, spiritual stress, and even physical stress settle into the connective tissue system. She said that she was able to let go of the fear and anxiety that had been with her her entire life because that system is what kept her alive. She also learned how to hack into that system.

The following important points were discussed:

  • Magic can be anything positive.

  • MAGIK stands for Motivation, Acceptance, Gratitude, and Greatness. It also involves being inspirational and kind.

  • Every person you interact with can teach you something that you cannot learn from a book or anywhere else.

  • Magic can happen to anyone, and it is different for everyone.

  • You are only as strong as your weakest point and only as effective as your sloppiest movement. Your strength is also limited by your weakest thought.

To connect with Amber Kivett, visit her website at, follow her on Instagram at, Facebook at, Twitter at, LinkedIn at, or subscribe to her YouTube channel at You can also email her directly at [email protected] or call her at 317.446.7971.

2:19 – 9:47:

Amber explains what MAGIK is all about and how she came to be doing the work she does now – making the world a better place for people who are in pain and feeling hopeless.

10:55 – 17:19:

Amber shares her personal struggles and how she learned to cope with them.

37:17 – 38:00:

Amber shares a testimonial about how she was able to help one of her clients, particularly a 15-year-old who had been in a motorbike accident.