Have you heard about CHOP (Child Hunger Outreach Partners)? No? I hadn’t either until recently when Journey 333 made the decision to partner with Spartan for their Race for Charity Program. We started searching for a charity to help and learned about CHOP from a local teacher who was familiar with the program..
CHOP is a non-profit organization founded by Danielle Ruhf in 2019 after her daughter shared on her first day of middle school that if students did not have lunch money, they simply didn’t eat. She begged her mother to do something. After hearing the shocking news, Dani knew in addition to a nutritious meal, these children also needed an advocate. So, she went to work.
CHOP humbly began serving 45 middle school students in Towanda, PA and has grown, in just 3 years, to now serving 20,000 kids per week. They have packed 2.7 million meals this year alone. WOW! It’s amazing what one person can do when they put their whole heart into it.
Dani couldn’t do this alone and has partnered with many different community agencies such as the Feeding America Food Bank and others, who provide various resources that allow them to get food very inexpensively. There are also over 500 volunteers, including the Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts and the Foster Grandparent Program who provide the labor and hold packing parties.
If you want to learn more about CHOP or sign up to volunteer, just visit their website at www.chopouthunger.org You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram. Just search for CHOPouthunger. If you’d like to donate to CHOP, go to their website and click on “get involved.” Other ways you can help get the word out is to share this episode of the Overcomer’s Podcast or CHOP’s website with your friends and family!
You can also sign up for a Spartan race, DEKA event or Tough Mudder and help to CHOP Out Hunger! Use the code GIVE-333_Sayre to register for a Tough Mudder or use the code GIVE-Journey_Sayre to register for any Spartan or regional/world DEKA event. Then spartan will donate 30% of every race registration to CHOP. You can register for any Tough Mudder on their website .www.toughmudder.com or register for a Spartan race at www.spartan.com or a DEKA event at deka.fit
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